2- 2.35pm – civil case (friendly loan)
The plaintiff, Mr. Jit Singh 80+++
Baru sahaja perbicaraan hendak bermula, defendan meminta supaya kes tersebut ditundfa sehingga dia dapat melantik peguam untuk mewakilinya. Peguamcara bagi pihak plaintiff membantah permohonan defendan tersebut kerana pihak defendan sengaja berbuat demikian untuk melengah-lengahkan masa.
Peguam plaintiff memohon agar kes tersebut disegerakan memandangkan saksi tunggal yang juga plaintiff sendiri sudah tua, pandangannya makin kabur dan kesihatannya tidak lagi begitu baik untuk sering turun naik mahkamah.
Dengan itu, defendan terpaksalah mewakili dirinya sendiri….kasyiann dehh
Nota separa kaki: 1st tym dengar kes mcm ni in my 1st day here lak tuh..menarik2
Something that I quote from this very case
disputed money = RM 71, 500 borrowed by the defendant from the plaintiff. But the defendant contended that he only borrowed RM 6,000 with 10% interest per month.
“so, I do not have money to pay…how?”
---defend urself lah…don’t ask how to pay huhuh ;p
“ficticious letter never posted”
---“then, how did you get it?” to the plaintiff’s lawyer
---said that those letters were sent by his lawyer but he did not know when he actually appointed the lawyer…ha…ha…ha…NONSENCE!
Defendant also stated that they were good friends but claimed that the plaintiff will confine him if he did not agree to sign those agreement…haiya! Chi sin lor…
The plaintiff, Mr. Jit Singh 80+++
Baru sahaja perbicaraan hendak bermula, defendan meminta supaya kes tersebut ditundfa sehingga dia dapat melantik peguam untuk mewakilinya. Peguamcara bagi pihak plaintiff membantah permohonan defendan tersebut kerana pihak defendan sengaja berbuat demikian untuk melengah-lengahkan masa.
Peguam plaintiff memohon agar kes tersebut disegerakan memandangkan saksi tunggal yang juga plaintiff sendiri sudah tua, pandangannya makin kabur dan kesihatannya tidak lagi begitu baik untuk sering turun naik mahkamah.
Dengan itu, defendan terpaksalah mewakili dirinya sendiri….kasyiann dehh
Nota separa kaki: 1st tym dengar kes mcm ni in my 1st day here lak tuh..menarik2
Something that I quote from this very case
disputed money = RM 71, 500 borrowed by the defendant from the plaintiff. But the defendant contended that he only borrowed RM 6,000 with 10% interest per month.
“so, I do not have money to pay…how?”
---defend urself lah…don’t ask how to pay huhuh ;p
“ficticious letter never posted”
---“then, how did you get it?” to the plaintiff’s lawyer
---said that those letters were sent by his lawyer but he did not know when he actually appointed the lawyer…ha…ha…ha…NONSENCE!
Defendant also stated that they were good friends but claimed that the plaintiff will confine him if he did not agree to sign those agreement…haiya! Chi sin lor…