Here in my court, there are these important persons:-
1. Puan Rasidah
2. two lovely interpreters, ms. Kan and ms. Saury
3. Macik Maimunah, handling the Pengurusan kamar 1
4. kak Nurul, akak interpreter baru yang sama2 baru 1st day macam gue
5. en. Yusuf as bailiff
6. then only mE came into this picture ngee ^_^v
the cases that I heard today are as follow:-
1- 11.15am- bribery case
DPP: Tuan Shahrul from BPR
Counsels: Mr. Tun Ammar & Mr. Shan for the 2 OKTs
Summary: Abd Razak and Mohd Nasir; two policemen who was caught by the BPR officers upon receiving bribe from one Bangladeshi man = RM 250 only maaa! Huhu
While observing this case, along the way, specifically when Mr. Tun Ammar was asking the OKT, I learn to know that all the witness or whoever speaks in the court must speak slo0000oooooowly so that everyone could write them as their nota keterangan for further reference….ohhh I seee
Tp bg lawyer2 yang kaya dan malas nak salin tuh, bolehla mintak kat jurubahasa Cuma lambatlah sikit tunggu kerani taipkan nota keterangan tuh ye ;p
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