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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mari Belajar Bahasa Inggeris #1

Kalau korang stress korang buat apa?

Kalau i, tengok video bawah ni berulang kali terus hilang stress bahahaha

Tau dah video ni dah lama viral tapi kelakar dia x habis so cam ulang banyak kali pun xpe heheheh

Sempena cuti sekolah ni adik-adik jom belajar bahasa inggeris sikit. i pun bukan terer so learning must go on forever tau?

Selalu kalau i tengok benda cantik or menarik or ape2 yang thorbaik i mesti cakap 'Niceeee...'

Maksud nice xpayah ceritalah kan. Semua tau. Boleh bukak dictionary kalau siapa x tahu. Jangan google je weh. Rajin sikit bukak kamus. (Bebel3...)

Jadi, selain cakap Nice tu je, boleh pelbagaikan penggunaanya iku keadaan. Kakak dah summarize seperti di bawah ini.

Other ways to say ‘Nice’ 


(of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure.
"they had an enjoyable afternoon"

synonyms: entertaining, amusing, delightful, nice, to one's liking, pleasant, congenial, lovely, fine, good, great, agreeable, pleasurable, delicious, delectable,diverting, satisfying, gratifying;


pleasing; enjoyable.
"I arrived in a mood of pleasurable anticipation"


1. absorbed in or involving thought.
"brows drawn together in thoughtful consideration"

synonyms: pensive, thinking, reflective, contemplative, musing, meditative, introspective, prayerful, philosophical, cogitative, ruminative, absorbed,engrossed, rapt, preoccupied, deep/immersed/lost in thought, in a brown study, brooding, broody, serious, studious, solemn, dreamy, dreaming, wistful, melancholy, sad; 

2. showing consideration for the needs of other people.
"he was attentive and thoughtful"

synonyms: considerate, attentive, caring, understanding, sympathetic, solicitous,concerned, helpful, friendly, obliging, accommodating, neighbourly,unselfish, kind, kindly, compassionate, tender, charitable,benevolent
"how very thoughtful of you!"


polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
"she was courteous and obliging to all"

synonyms: polite, well mannered, civil, respectful, deferential, well behaved, well bred;


1. very beautiful or attractive.
"lovely views"

synonyms: beautiful, pretty, as pretty as a picture, attractive, good looking, appealing,  handsome, adorable, exquisite, sweet, personable, charming; 


1. an attractive woman or girl.
"a bevy of lovelies"


(especially of a person) pleasant, friendly, and easy to like.
"a very likeable young woman"

synonyms: pleasant, nice, friendly, agreeable, affable, amiable, genial, civil,personable, charming, popular, clubbable, good-natured, engaging, warm, pleasing, appealing, endearing,  convivial, congenial, winning, delightful, enchanting, attractive, winsome, fetching, captivating, lovable, adorable, sweet; 


satisfying or appealing.
"the pleasing austerity of the surroundings"


1. courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status.
"a gracious hostess"

synonyms: courteous, polite, civil, chivalrous, well -mannered,  decorous, gentlemanly,  
ladylike, civilized, tactful, diplomatic; 

2. showing divine grace.
"In the Name of Allah The Most Gracious the Most Merciful"

synonyms: merciful, forgiving, compassionate, kind, kindly, lenient, clement,pitying, forbearing, humane, mild, soft-hearted, tender-hearted, sympathetic; 


used to express polite surprise.
"good gracious, that was close!"


1. (of a person) pleasing or liked on account of having qualities or interests that are similar to one's own.
"his need for some congenial company"

synonyms: like-minded, compatible, kindred, well suited, easy to get along with;

         (of a thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited to one's taste or inclination.
"he went back to a climate more congenial to his cold stony soul"

synonyms: pleasant, pleasing, to one's liking, agreeable, enjoyable, pleasurable, nice,  appealing, engaging, satisfying, gratifying, fine, charming,delightful, relaxing, snug, welcome, welcoming, hospitable


1. warm and friendly.
"the atmosphere was cordial and relaxed"

synonyms: friendly, warm, genial, affable, amiable, pleasant, fond, affectionate, warm-hearted, good-natured, gracious, hospitable, welcoming;

2. strongly felt.
"I earned his cordial loathing"

synonyms: intense, strong, acute, violent, fierce, keen, fervent, ardent, passionate;


a sweet fruit-flavoured drink.
"wine cups and fruit cordials"

synonyms: squash, crush, concentrate
"I often drank water with fruit cordial"

2. a pleasant-tasting medicine.


arousing or deserving respect and approval.
"he has one admirable quality—he is totally honest"

synonyms: commendable, worthy of admiration, worthy of commendation, praiseworthy, laudable, estimable, meritorious, creditable, exemplary,exceptional, notable, honourable, worthy, deserving, respectable,worthwhile; 


careful not to inconvenience or harm others.
"she was unfailingly kind and considerate"

synonyms: attentive, thoughtful, concerned, solicitous, mindful, heedful, obliging,accommodating, helpful, cooperative, patient; 


showing careful thought.
"be considerate over your handwriting"

Ok semua. Selamat belajar!


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