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- Mengikut kajian Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah mengenai Rahsia Tahun Kelahiran, gue mempunyai kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dikawal dan seorang yang mempunyai bakat seni dalam bidang muzik wahahahaha ;p
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- The Seven Best Ways To Appear Smarter Than You Act
- TaKe tiMe tO ReAlizE...
- Ketulusan Hati
- Notes from brother in Islam
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- Hobi Rakyat Malaysia... Setujukah Anda?
- Islamic food facts
- Akukah itu? ^_~
- Something that i found...
- Compassionate Lawyer?
- Snow by Orhan Pamuk
- Layakkah aku berkata begitu?
- How To Overcome Tiredness
- Sedih...
- Iklan sebentar...
- Apabila Pintu Diketuk
- 12 perlakuan baik kepada ibubapa
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Seven Best Ways To Appear Smarter Than You Act
Read a Quality Newspaper in Public and in Private
When you read newspapers like The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, you are reading material that is written at a higher educational level than your typical local newspaper. Not only will your brain be stimulated with words outside the mainstream, but the articles may give you topics to discuss with others at work or school or at your next cocktail party.
Work the Crossword Puzzle in the Sunday New York Times
This is not a puzzle for lightweights and pretty much everyone knows it. But puzzles are like games and every game has a few tricks that after awhile you'll learn and improve. While you're hanging out at coffee shops or between classes or on a break at work, keep plugging away at the Times cr
ossword and people will assume you are an intellectual.
Read Good Books
When you're looking for some leisure reading, skip the beach fiction and go right to the quality literature section of the book racks or library. You can peruse the Sunday Times magazine section for book reviews and see what is and what is not worth your time.
Play Chess
Chess is a game of strategy. It's a thinking game. Most people assume that if you play chess, you're a thinking person.
Dress Smart and Keep Clean
If you dress like a high school dropout, that's what people will assume. If you dress like an attorney, people will think differently about you. Your clothes tell people more about you than you could possibly tell them yourself. If you care about yourself, it will show through in how you dress. If you are clean-shaven, with neat hair and conservative makeup, people will treat you differently and assume you are more educated and intelligent than someone covered with tattoos and multiple piercings.
Don't Talk About the TV Shows You Watch
Whether you watch 30 minutes of television each night or three hours, if you want people to think you're smarter than you actually are, don't bring up TV in conversations with others. But then, don't be smug about it either. There's nothing more annoying than someone proclaiming they don't watch TV.
Keep a Journal
Nothing looks more intelligent than seeing someone writing in a journal. Make sure you are sitting in a public setting so that people will see you writing your thoughts. They will immediately think that you are not only intelligent but that you actually have some important thoughts developing in your brain.
Remember, being smart and appearing smart are two different things. You can only fake being smart for so long, however, so unless you want to be accused of being a fraud you may as well be happy being yourself. Besides, if you start appearing to be really smart and then you start attracting smart people who want to hang out with you, you may find that you're stuck with friends who don't watch TV, who play chess and would rather read a great novel than join you bar hopping on a Saturday night.
TaKe tiMe tO ReAlizE...
To realize the value of ten years: Ask a newly divorced couple.
To realize the value of four years: Ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a still birth.
To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one hour: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one-second: Ask a person who has survived an accident...
To realize the value of one millisecond: Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the olympics time waits for no one.
Time is really important to human kind. Even Allah swears with 'time' in the several ayah in Al-Quran.
Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ketulusan Hati
Sedihku sakitku ku terima
Ku rela ku pasrah jalanku
Ini suratan aku dicoba
Demi rahmat-Mu ku memohon
Yaa Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Yaa Allah beri aku ketabahan
Yaa Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu Yaa Allah
Yaa Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Yaa Allah beri aku ketabahan
Yaa Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu Yaa Allah
Aku sedang 'gila' nonton sinetron neh...hehe Aqso dan Madina...cuti2 ni...dan disebabkan kad astro di simpan oleh mama...jadinya layan sahaja lah ^_~...suka tengok si Marshanda yang lembut tu berlakon cerita2 macam tu...tapi sedih bila tahu hakikat sebenarnya huhu
Notes from brother in Islam
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
Allah is The Kind.
When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember
Through the darkness, Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.
When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember
Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.
When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember
Allah Sees it all.
When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember
Seek strength from The Strong.
When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember
Allah is The Able.
When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember
Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember
Allah is always ready to hear.
When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember
Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember
You can always run to The One.
When your all alone
And your pain has no end
Remember just remember
And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
Allah is really here.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hobi Rakyat Malaysia... Setujukah Anda?
Sudah tentu bukan membaca
Sebab perpustakaan lengang sentiasa
Kalau adapun baca novel cinta
Atau baca Mangga dan Mastika
Bacaan ringan yang merosak minda
Habis apa dia hobi mereka
Dulu asyik bela ayam serama
Bagus juga sayang makhluk Allahtaala
Sanggup mandikan begitu punya jaga
Selain ayam ikan pun depa bela
Ikan lohan dan juga arowana
Sanggup guna duit gaji kerja lebihmasa
Sekarang ni pancing udang pula
Bukan di sungai tapi kolam buatan manusia
Buat kolam di rumah kedai yang disewa
Gila sungguh tak dak kerja
Hobi terbaru ialah main SMS pula
Setahun dianggarkan 1000 juta
Dari reality show hingga umpat mengata
Keluar habis cerita Baginda Altantuya
Dari joke hingga palsu punya berita
Dari I love you hingga cerai talak tiga
Selain dari ucap besday dan Hari Raya
Judi pun pakai khidmat SMS juga
Tidak kira di mana-mana
Atas LRT dan juga tempat kerja
Untunglah syarikat telekomunikasi kita
Boleh taja EPL dan Piala Dunia
Dengan CELCOM anda berkuasa
Asalkan jangan taksub besar kepala
Yang si mat rempit lain pula
Race motor tengah malam buta
Hadiah pertama sicantik jelita
Sanggup tunjuk skil korban nyawa
Jangan sekali dok tegur mereka
Nanti pecah habis cermin kereta
Malaysia Boleh itu dia cogankata
Polis pun tak boleh buat apa
Pening dengan mat rempit punya gejala
Lain pula hobi motor golongan berada
Yang tu naik konvoi pergi merata-rata
Dari KL naik motor konvoi ke utara
Bukan apa cuma nak pi makan laksa
Atau buat konvoi sempena merdeka
Kita tanya apa tujuan mereka
Keseronokan yak yak yeh sorak gembira
Lambat lagi lah bangsa kita merdeka
Apa hobi anda
Kumpul setem, memancing atau tonton telenovela
80% remaja jawab dengar radio dan tonton tv la
Sebab tu meningkat pendapatan Media Prima
Hot FM yang lebih hangat daripada biasa
Dengar celoteh dan merepek Farah Fawzana
Tak dak slot khas motivasi agama
Sebab yang tu orang tak berapa suka
Benda yang perlu berfikir atau guna minda
Sebab tu di pasaran otak antarabangsa
Otak orang Melayu tinggi harga
Dok berkilat dan cantik sebab jarang guna
Demi masa
Manusia semua dalam kerugian
Kecuali mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh
Yang berpesan dengan kebenaran
Dan yang berpesan dengan kesabaran.
Islamic food facts
as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back,
increases the brain, augments intelligence,renews vision and drives away
Honey:Considered to be the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot
water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is
used for creating appetite,strengthening the stomach, eliminating phelgm, as
a meat preservative,hair conditioner, eye salve and mouthwash. It is
extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water and is also a sunnah.
Olive oil: excellenent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, treats
inflammation of the stomach
Mushroom:The Prophet(SAW) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes,
it also serves as a form of birthcontrol and arrests paralysis.
Grapes: The Prophet was very fond
of grapes, it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens
the kidneys and clears the bowels.
Dates: The Prophet(SAW) said that a house without dates has no food, also
to be eaten at the time of childbirth.
Figs: It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.
Barley: Good for fever in a soup form
Melon: Melon contains 1000 blessings and 1000 mercies, The prophet SAW
said "None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail
to produce off spring who are good in counternanace and good in character.
Pomegranate: The Prophet(SAW) said it cleanse you of Satan and evil
aspirations for 40 days.
Water: the Prophet(SAW) said the best drink in this world and the next is
Water, when you are
thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the
So praise be to our beloved Nabi(SAW) who produced us with marvellous
knowledge which dazzles the wisest minds. May this information be beneficial
to all of us Insha-Allah
Akukah itu? ^_~
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful
practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or
talented, but modest. Not a person who makes
friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's
extremely loyal to friends you do make and who
expect the same loyalty in return. Those who
really get to know you realize it takes a lot to
shake your trust in your friends, but equally
that it takes you a long time to get over it, if
that trust is ever broken.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Something that i found...
hem...Perpustakaan Tun Razak...masih tidak berubah...masih seperti dulu...yang berubah hanyalah penambahan beberapa (sikit je, mostly buku lame yang dah berhabuk ;p) buah buku2 baru dan yang berubah juga, ketiadaan abg kacak yang pernah bertugas dulu ngee ^_~
ohh..dah kini aku tinggi sikitla daripada rak2 buku di sana, jika tidak separuh sahaja kot ;p berada di sana mengingatkan ku kembali akan memori silam..bukan memori daun pisang ye tapi memori zaman kanak2 dahulu...sekolah ku dahulu bedekatan...hanya beberapa tapak cuma...di sinilah dahulu tempat ku serta teman2 menghabiskan masa meladeni buku2 yang hangat ketika itu...jenuh berebut untuk mendapatkan siri salma dan siri2 yang lain juga...haha...kelakar juga mengingatkan kembali...aku kangen saat2 itu...
kini, kami besar sudah...masing2 dengan komitmen masing2...ada yang sudah bekerja, ada yang sedang bekerja..juga masih ramai seperti saya yang masih menekuni alam kemahasiswaan ;p (hehe ade ke istilah ni?)
dan masing2 hati mereka sudah dimiliki? aku? tidak perlu kot ;p ngeh...i've been telling them..."kita lihat, siapa di antara kita yang kahwin dulu"...mesti kelaka mengingatkan teman2 sepermainan dulu sudah berumah dan bertangga! ^_^v
Compassionate Lawyer?
"Why are you eating grass?" he asked one man.
"We don't have any money for food." the poor man replied.
"Oh, come along with me then."
"But sir, I have a wife with two children!"
"Bring them along! And you, come with us too!" he said to the other man.
"But sir, I have a wife with six children!" the second man answered.
"Bring them as well!"
They all climbed into the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limo. Once underway, one of the poor fellows says, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."
The lawyer replied, "No problem, the grass at my home is about two feet tall."
p/s: ok juga idea itu hehehe ^_~
Snow by Orhan Pamuk
“May I again insist that you explain to me why you wish to kill yourself?” said Sunay.
“It’s not a question anyone can really answer,” said Kadife.
“What do you mean?”
“If a person knew exactly why she was committing suicide and could state her reason openly, she wouldn’t have to kill herself,” said Kadife.
“No! It’s not like that at all,” said Sunay. “Some people kill themselves for love, others kill because they can’t bear their husbands’ beatings any longer or because poverty is piercing them to the bone, like a knife.”
“You have a very simple way of looking at life,” said Kadife. “A woman who wants to kill herself for love still knows that if she waits a little her love will fade. Poverty’s not a real reason for suicide either. And a woman doesn’t have to commit suicide to escape her husband; all she has to do is steal some of his money and leave him.”
“Very well, then, what is the real reason?”
“The main reason women commit suicide is to save their pride. At least, that’s what most women kill themselves for.”
“You mean they’ve been humiliated by love?”
“You don’t understand a thing!” said Kadife. “A woman doesn’t commit suicide because she’s lost her pride, she does it to show her pride.”
“You’re very intelligent, Kadife,” said Sunay.
“Does this frighten you?” said Kadife, her voice taut and angry.
“Yes,” said Sunay in a lecherous languor.
“It’s not my intelligent that frightens you, you fear me because I’m my own person,” said Kadife. “Because here in our city, men don’t fear their women’s intelligence, they fear their independence.”
Yang Amat Arif: But counsel, it’s already established that the injection given was the caused of death. The post-mortem also affirmed this matter…this is an appeal case so there no more question about facts here
Counsel for the appellant: But we are the counsel for the appellant, and it’s our job to defend our client yang Arif…
Gamat jadinya mahkamah selepas itu…hadirin yang hadir serta puan hakim pun ikut ketawa besar mendengar kenyataan sang peguam tadi… hehe
Eh..itu bukan aku ye…ketika itu aku bertugas sebagai ‘baillif’ a.k.a si penjaga masa. Kelakar sungguh bro tu…walaupun banyak kesalahan yang dilakukan, dia masih mengekalkan kecomelannya hehe
Sepatutnya dia kena panggil hakim dengan panggilan ‘yang amat Arif’ memandangkan ini merupakan rayuan ke Mahkamah Rayuanlah heee….
Dan sepatutnya, mengikut etika mahkamah, kita tidak boleh berkata yes, thank you atau I’m sorry.
Yes=Indeed Yang Amat Arif
I’m Sorry= I stand corrected
Thank You= Much Obliged
Dan banyak lagilah…nak tahu? Jom jadi mahasiswa undang2 ^_^v
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Layakkah aku berkata begitu?
Bagaimana pula dengan penat seorang Ibu yang berkerjaya?
Begitulah ibuku. Pagi petang siang malam tidak penat2 membanting tulang melakukan kerja. Kagum amat aku pada ibuku. Ibu memang tidak pernah mengenal erti lelah. Kadang2 kasihan aku melihat ibu, kadang2 Ibu ketiduran ketika menonton televisyen.
Aku? Layakkah aku mengatakan yang aku penat? Walau apa pun…aku memang PENAT (--‘)
How To Overcome Tiredness
My ideas and advices are for you if you often had such situations. You don't need any medicines, the only thing you need is your willingness to overcome tiredness. You need to keep those 5 rules to live without tiredness:
1. Never forget to have breakfast. Your metabolism will slow down and you feel tired if you didn't eat good breakfast with such products as yogurt, cheese and bread. Take fruits to your work if you don't have time for breakfast at home.
2. Drink more often and more. Slackness and tiredness can be caused by the dehydration of your organism. That's why you need to drink sufficient amount of liquid. It can be mineral water, juices or green tea. Coffee remains the traditional energetic drink. This recipe is especially useful: puree one banana and add 0.04 gallon orange juice, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and spoon syrup.
3. Go to sleep if you want to. Everybody knows that the best way to rest is to sleep well. Our mood, memory and even sells regeneration depends on sleeping. Ideally a person needs 8 hours of sleep per day, otherwise your organism will glitch. Sedatives will help if you want to sleep and cannot fall asleep. For example, warm bath with lavender essential oil is a good way to relax and fall asleep.
4. Jump if you're really tired. Just switch on music and dance. If it's really hard for you to do this, it means that it will be really good for you. Overpower yourself and go on actively moving.
5. Let joy to be in your life. Stresses and disappointments destructively influence your energy potential. It's impossible to avoid stresses but you can disconnect from situations where you cannot change anything. Try to spend your time with positive people. Say "NO" to everything that distresses you and let joy to come to your life.
sedih betul tengok banner kat atas ni di laman sawang encik faisal...lagi sedih mengingatkan telah ramai yang sudah menjamah ketupat cinta encik faisal...aku bila lagi wawawawa
sedih bukan sebab lain ye...sebab tidak dapat menghadirinya pada kali ini...kasihan gue...huuu
Iklan sebentar...
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Khas buat lepasan SPM, STPM dan STAM 2008; program ini khas untuk anda!
-- ERAT '09 --
Forum: Persimpangan Cinta dan Cita-Cita Ayuh Kenal Yuk! Latihan Dinamika Kumpulan Presentasi: Eksplorasi Menara Ilmu Ceritera Sukses: Resipi Kejayaan Mahasiswa Muslim Tafakur Alam Rimba! Cergas Cetus Cerdas Malam Nurani Intepretasi Seni R&R Kerjaya dan IPT Forum: Langkah Menuju Jaya Ceritera Sukses: Misi Agung Mahasiswa Muslim dan banyak lagi!
Tarikh: 24 April -- 26 April 2009 (Jumaat -- Ahad)
Lokasi: Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia dan Rebutia D'Perkasa Camp
Anjuran: Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia (Karisma) dan Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
Yuran: RM 30 sahaja!
Di antara testimoni peserta:
"Bagi saya program ini menyeronokkan kerana telah berjaya membuka hati saya kepada kepentingan hidup secara Islam dan nikmat Islam yang cukup cantik dan tersusun." -- Mohd Harith Kamaludin, Kolej Mara Seremban
"Program ini menyeronokkan. .. Boleh dilihat pada pengisian program ini penuh dengan ilmu. Selain itu, jemputan penceramah luar juga menunjukkan program tersebut tidak diabaikan dan mendapat sambutan ramai. Aktiviti yang dijalankan juga dapat menarik remaja." -- Ihsan Alwi, Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang
"Saya sudah mencubanya, anda bila lagi?" -- Harith Md Nasir, UTM Kuala Lumpur
Disertakan brosur sebagai rujukan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila klik;
Apabila Pintu Diketuk
Kali ini pintu diketuk tatkala ku sedang menggosok baju jadi pantas sahaja tangan memulas tombol pintu. Berdiri di luar sambil tersenyum bukan sekumpulan sister biasa tetapi seorang makcik yang luar biasa ‘beli nak, murah je ni, ubi blackpepper ade dan banyak jenis kerepek ni ha…tengok2 la nak..murah je ni…’
Selalu senang sahaja aku menolak. Bukan apa, perut sudah terisi, jadi kehadiran mereka tidak bererti lagi…tapi kali ini rasa kasihan terhadap makcik tersebut lantas ku membeli dengan niat untuk membantu walaupun di dalam kepala ni kerap mengatakan ‘rugi je beli...sikit tp mahal’
Huhu jahatnya aku. Nak buat baik tapi tidak berapa nak baik. Apalah nak jadi dengan diri ini huhu…selalu sahaja terfikir, bagaimana untuk melakukan kebaikan dengan seikhlas hati. Kadang2 terfikir, adakah kebaikan yang dilakukan selama ini hadir dari hati yang tulus ataupun sebaliknya…harapnya tidak begitu…dan aku akan berusaha ke arah itu, insyaAllah…
Mengimbas kembali kejadian di Tesco ketika menemani ayah berbelanja untuk keperluan rumah menjelang hari raya yang lalu. Seperti biasa, berkotak2 air kotak pasti akan dibeli untuk tetamu yang bakal hadir pada rumah terbuka kami. Ketika sedang membantu ayah menyorong troli, seorang makcik kategori nenek berbangsa cina mampir ke sisi sambil mengeluh minta dibantu. Aku sebagai seorang; anak muda yang prihatin akan keadaan nenek tersebut+warga Malaysia yang mempunyai pendidikan moral yang tinggi, serta seorang Muslim yang ingin menunjukkan contoh yang baik berasa amat bertanggungjawab lantas membantu nenek tersebut dengan bakulnya yang penuh terisi sehingga sampai ke kaunter bayaran.
Bukan untuk menunjuk2 baik. Bukan. Tidak sama sekali. Cuma sejenak terfikirkannya apabila ayah berkata:
‘Cube fikir, nape dalam banyak2 orang kat sini die mintak tolong kat angah. Nape x kat org len?’
Rasa2nya apa yang kalian fikirkan tentang itu? Aku? Entahlah…mungkin kerana aku ini tidak berapa nak baik? Hemm…mungkin ini salah satu cara Maha Pencipta ingin menegurku dan memberikan petunjukNya kepada ku hambaNya yang lemah dan serba kekurangan. Wallahualam…
12 perlakuan baik kepada ibubapa
1) Mendengar kata mereka.
2) Berdiri apabila mereka berdiri kerana menghormati.
3) Taat perintah mereka selagi mereka tidak menyuruh
membuat perkara-perkara yang dilarang oleh Allah S.W.T.
4) Tidak melintas di hadapan mereka, tetapi hendaklah berjalan
di sisi atau di belakang kecuali atas perintah mereka untuk
sesuatu maksud.
5) Tidak meninggikan suara melebihi suara mereka.
6) Menjawab panggilan mereka dengan suara yang lembut.
7) Sentiasa memelihara dan merawat apabila mereka sakit.
Jangan sampai melakukan sesuatu yang melanggar
keredhaan mereka baik dalam sikap, perkataan ataupun
8) Merendah diri dengan sopan dan lemah lembut serta sentiasa
berusaha meringankan beban mereka.
9) Tidak melakukan sesuatu kebaikan kepada mereka atas dasar
membalas jasa melainkan atas dasar kewajipan demi
keredhaan mereka dan keredhaan Allah S.W.T.
10) Tidak memandang mereka dengan menjeling, mengerling,
marah atau masam muka.
11) Tidak bermuram hati apabila menghadapi wajah mereka.
12) Tidak keluar rumah sama ada jauh atau dekat kecuali dengan
izin mereka.
Wasalam... ..
Artikel ini di 'upload' sempena cuti semester yang panjang kepada semua mahsiswa yang sedang bercuti dan yang bakal bercuti...jadilah anak yang baik ye...janganlah asyik menyusahkan kedua ibu bapa kita...sekurang2nya ringan2kanlah bebanan mereka dengan sesuatu yang dapat membuatkan mereka tersenyum dan berbangga dengan kita ^_~ pandai cakap je saya hee tapi peringatan ini untuk diriku juga
kepada yang masih dalam minggu peperangan, teruskan perjuangan kalian...
all the best kepada sahabat2 yang sedang bertungkus lumus tu...bashir, laili, adib, haziq, pqah, anin, dan kepada semualah dan minta maaf jika tertinggal nama anda di sini..maafin gue ;p
Semoga kalian cemerlang fid dunya wal akhirah..maa taufiq wan najah!
Aku sungguh terharu...
Mama: Aisyah, nanti tanam gigi yg patah tu kat pokok serai ye
Kami: kenape?
Mama: nanti kalu tanam kat sane, gigi tu tumbuhla rapat2...mcam pkok serai la sbb pokok serai kan rapat2..
adik: o0o0o0o0o
Gue: tak tau pun pasal ni...eh dulu ibu x penah pn ckp kat angh mcm tu huhu
pelik juga ya...atau ku seorang sahaja yang tidak tahu tentang ini heee...yang biasa2 ku dengar kalau gigi yang atas patah, kena baling gigi ke atas rumput dan kalau gigi bawah pula kena tanam...ada2 sahaja simboliknya...sama ada ia benar atau tidak entahlah...ada sesiapa boleh kongsi bersama? hee...kalau orang putih pula, kalau gigi patah, kena simpan bawah bantal..tunggula si pari2 gigi tu datang heh...mengarut
-oscar wilde-
~ Sir Charles Dicken